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YeolChoong NFT

M2E 스텝워치(StepWatch) EARLY BIRD 100,000 SWE 이벤트


스텝워치 에어드랍
가입하는 곳 https://stepwatch.io/
레퍼럴 코드 : 874177

이벤트 링크  : https://docs.google.com/document/d/18h1dxt7_DbeAKt63uvxiIjHjO-RDyf0NsbaHEnwADqQ/edit


다가오는 Stepwatch 세일을 기념하여 "Great Reward!! 100.000 SWE로 EARLY BIRD 등록”.
시간 이벤트:
2022년 6월 9일 13:00부터 2022년 6월 19일 17:00(UTC +9).
한국 시간: 2022년 6월 9일 13:00 ~ 6월 19일 17:00(UTC +9).
일본 시간: 2022년 6월 9일 13:00부터 2022년 6월 19일 17:00(UTC +9).
베트남 시간: 2022년 6월 9일 11:00부터 2022년 6월 19일 15:00(UTC +7).

총 보상: 이벤트를 완료한 10,000명에게 100,000개의 무작위 SWE 토큰.

이벤트 기간 동안 다음 작업을 완료한 회원은 비례 SWE 보상을 받을 기회가 있습니다.
1. https://stepwatch.io/ 사전 등록 회원은 회원당 3개의 SWE를 받을 수 있는 기회를 가집니다.
2. 친구에게 ref에서 일찍 등록하여 5 ref: 2 SWE의 비율로 더 많은 SWE를 받을 수 있는 기회를 갖도록 초대하십시오.
3. 참여 커뮤니티에 대해 3개의 SWE/멤버 에어드롭을 받습니다: Stepwatch Telegram, Stepwatch Discord에 가입하고 Stepwatch Twitter를 리트윗하세요.

참여 방법:
1단계. https://stepwatch.io/로 이동하여 등록을 선택합니다.
2단계. 프로필 복사 섹션에서 친구를 초대할 추천 코드를 복사합니다.
3단계. 참조 링크를 사용하여 친구 초대

당첨자 명단 발표 예상 시간
2022년 6월 27일 월요일 13:00(UTC +9).
한국 시간: 2022년 6월 27일 13:00(UTC +9).
일본 시간: 2022년 6월 27일 13:00(UTC +9).
베트남 시간: 2022년 6월 27일 11:00(UTC +9).

보상 분배 시간:
+ 7일 Stepwatch 앱 공식 출시.

이용 약관:
+ 조기 등록 참가자는 변경할 수 없으므로 보내기 전에 폴리곤 지갑 주소를 확인하십시오.
+ 회원은 위 작업 중 하나만 또는 전체에 참여할 수 있습니다. 더 많은 임무를 완료할수록 SWE 보상이 커집니다.
+ 한 사람은 하나의 계정만 사용합니다. 봇이나 가짜 계정을 사용하는 경우 작업을 취소하면 이벤트에서 실격됩니다.

스텝워치 소개:
Stepwatch는 NFT Move-To-Earn 및 소셜 네트워킹 요소를 통합한 WEB3 피트니스 및 건강 추적 모바일 애플리케이션입니다. 걷기, 조깅, 헬스를 통해 보상을 받을 수 있는 곳입니다. 플랫폼에 참여하려면 무료 Watch가 필요하거나 먼저 NFT 시계를 구매해야 합니다. 걷기, 달리기 및 신체 훈련을 통해 플랫폼에서 암호화폐 및 기타 NFT를 얻을 수 있으며 획득한 항목은 플랫폼 내 활동에 사용하거나 플랫폼에서 거래할 수 있습니다.

⛔️ 위험 경고 ⛔️
+ 프로젝트의 특성상 이벤트 일정이 변경, 취소 또는 조기 종료될 수 있습니다. 변경 및 취소 시 빠른 시일 내에 안내해 드리겠습니다.
+ 이벤트 참가자는 시장 변동을 이해하고 예측하며 시장 변화에 대한 전적인 책임이 있다고 가정합니다.
+ Stepwatch는 전체 프로젝트의 모든 최종 결정을 유보할 권리를 보유합니다.



To celebrate the approaching Stepwatch sale, we are launching “Great Reward!! EARLY BIRD Registration with 100.000 SWE”.

Time event

From 13:00 on June 9 to 17:00 on June 19, 2022 (UTC +9).

  • Korea Time: From 13:00 on June 9 to 17:00 on June 19, 2022 (UTC +9).
  • Japan Time: From 13:00 on June 9 to 17:00 on June 19, 2022 (UTC +9).
  • Vietnam Time: From 11:00 on June 9 to 15:00 on June 19, 2022 (UTC +7)

Total rewards: 100,000 random SWE tokens for 10,000 people who complete the event.



During the event period, members who complete the following tasks have a chance to receive proportional SWE rewards:

1. Pre-registering https://stepwatch.io/, members have a chance to get 3 SWE/member;

2. Invite friends to register early from ref to have the opportunity to receive more SWE at the rate of 5 ref: 2 SWE;

3. Receive 3 SWE/member airdrop for participating community:  join Stepwatch Telegram, Stepwatch Discord and retweet Stepwatch Twitter.


How to join:

Step 1. Go to https://stepwatch.io/ and select Register

Step 2. In the section Profile copy Referral code to invite friends.

Step 3. Use the ref link to invite friends


Estimated time to announce the list of winners

13:00 Monday, June 27, 2022 (UTC +9).

  • Korea Time: 13:00 on June 27, 2022 (UTC +9).
  • Japan Time: 13:00 June 27, 2022 (UTC +9).
  • Vietnam time: 11:00 on June 27, 2022 (UTC +9)

Reward distribution time:

+ 7 days Stepwatch App officially released.


Terms and condition:

+ Early Registration Participants confirm their Polygon Wallet Address before sending as it cannot be changed;

+ Members can participate in only one or all of the above tasks. The more missions you complete, the bigger the SWE rewards;

+ One person only uses one account. If you use bots or fake accounts, undoing actions will disqualify you from the event.


Introducing Stepwatch:

Stepwatch is a WEB3 fitness and health tracking mobile application that incorporates NFT Move-To-Earn and social networking elements. It is a place where you can get rewards through walking, jogging and gym. You need a free Watch to participate in the Platform, or you need to purchase an NFT watch first. Walking, running, and physical training can then enable you to obtain Cryptocurrency and other NFTs in the Platform and the items you earned can be used for in-platform activities or can be traded on the platform.


⛔️ Risk warning ⛔️

+ Due to the nature of the project, the event schedule may change, cancel or end earlier than expected. In the event of a change or cancellation, we will notify you soon.

+ We assume that event participants understand and anticipate market fluctuations and are fully responsible for market changes.

+ Stepwatch reserves the right to reserve all final decisions of the entire project.

